Monthly Archives: August 2015

Create a Nature Journal, Write About the Stars, Learn About Harmonics in the Universe


universeFinally, our Fall workshops are here! We’re excited to announce new daytime workshops in science, art, and writing for home-schoolers this Fall, in addition to evening after-school workshops in art and poetry. Update Nov 5, 2015: Please note, Fall workshops continue into Session II for November and December, new dates on the Fall Workshops page; classes have started but remain open for new registration for 3 weeks.

The Universe Today, a weekday morning workshop, is an Astronomy and Expository Writing workshop for children 8-13.

Nature Study, also a weekday morning cloverworkshop, is a Botany, Art, and Nature Writing workshop for the same age group.

Evening workshops feature a Part II return to the popular Exploring Art in Math and Nature workshop from Spring 2015–where Fibonacci-fractal-art2we studied and painted and sketched Fibonacci spirals and fractals in Nature; we’ll continue our explorations there and expand into the study of harmonics and crystal symmetries.

Also on offer is a Poetry wemoto water crystalorkshop for Wednesday evenings–Reading and Writing Poetry/From Around the World.

Fall workshops will run in two sessions, Sep/Oct and Nov/Dec. Session I workshops are listed currently. Session 2 workshops will be posted shortly.

Read more about all workshops here on the Fall Workshops 2015 page, including descriptions and dates.

All workshops are open to a maximum of 8 workshoppers. Please send an email for more information or to register.